Local Group | Wiston by Biggar, Scotland
Border Collie Sangha

Following a number of retreats held at Wiston Lodge, some organised by the Wild Geese Sangha and some by the Border Collie Sangha, a small number of us living and working at Wiston Lodge or nearby have set up the Border Collie Sangha.
We meet on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings at 7.30 pm for an hour’s guided, walking and silent meditation. We welcome others to come and join us.
It would be wise for anyone wishing to come and join us, to phone in advance (calling Meg Beresford on 07835362774) or email to meg.beresford@gn.apc.org as she will be able to explain how to find the place we meet, on the edge of Wiston Lodge estate. We also arrange Mindfulness Days every two months or so and welcome others to join us and support our Sangha.