UK Monastic Tour 2024

We are delighted that the Plum Village Monastics are coming back to the UK for a Mini-Tour in Spring 2024. They will offer an all-ages retreat in Stourbridge from 25th to 29th March 2024 and a series of events in London the following week.

This is a precious and rare opportunity to be able to practise with a team of monastics from the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh in the UK, where we will learn how to cultivate peace, clarity, joy, and resilience. As we generate calmness and insights we will see how we can act compassionately and courageously to protect, heal and bring peace to ourselves and our planet Earth.

Click on the links below to find out more information about the events:

“Peace Begins Here” Retreat from 25th to 29th March

The Way Out is In – Live Podcast Recording with Phap Huu and Jo Confino in London on Friday, 5th April, 8pm – 10pm

Day of Mindfulness in London on Saturday, 6th April

Day of Mindfulness in Vietnamese, 6th April

Peace is the Way: Day of Mindfulness for Changemakers in London, 7th April

Afternoon of Mindfulness for Family Sangha, Sunday 7th April


The monastics offer the  teachings freely, and you are invited to offer a donation in gratitude for the teachings either during the booking or at the retreat. This offering is a practice of generosity for having received the teachings. Practically your generosity contributes towards monastic expenses during the retreat and generally including training, shelter, food and healthcare, which is paid for entirely by donations. If you can support and help the monastics in this way it will be gratefully received.