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Be Calm Be Happy Course

Experience how Zen practice can transform your life.

Start of 6-week interactive course with a two-hour group session, same time each week.

Sundays 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM BST

key info

3 Nov 2024 - 3 Nov 2024


This 6-week group course will help you develop and deepen your own practice of zen and meditation, following the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh (the “father of mindfulness”).

There will be a two-hour session each week. These will be interactive, using a mixture of guided meditations, group discussions, and practical exercises. You will learn how to bring more peace and joy into your daily life.

Courses are led by practitioners with many years experience. Although mindfulness training is rooted in Buddhist meditation techniques, it is not a belief system and the course is suitable for those of all faiths or none –  everyone is welcome.


Upcoming Course Start Dates

Mon 21 Oct 2024 | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM BST

Sun 3 Nov 2024 | 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM BST

Tue 12 Nov 2024 | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM BST


Course Content

Week 1 – Stopping and Calming

  • How to be present in the moment
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Simple breathing techniques

Week 2 – Turning to the Positive

  • Retraining our mind’s negativity bias
  • Practising gratitude
  • The conditions of happiness already available to us

Week 3 – Loving Communication

  • How to communicate with awareness
  • Deep listening and loving speech
  • Building better relationships

Week 4 – Nourishing Happiness

  • Being present with our senses
  • Music and time in nature
  • Awareness of what we eat and otherwise consume

Week 5 – Interdependence and Community

  • Connectedness of all things
  • Cultivating compassion
  • Community in daily life

Week 6 – Guidelines for a Happier Life

  • Ethics and happiness
  • Ethical guidelines
  • Living kindly



Throughout the course, you will be encouraged to develop your own practice of mindfulness. In both the group setting and at home, you can learn how to integrate mindfulness into your daily life and consider what will best support you.

You will have the opportunity to connect with others and have access to resources and support to help you on your journey, including how to find groups and communities (sanghas).

You will be encouraged to cultivate a greater awareness of the present moment, learning how to observe thoughts and feelings without judgement, and practise being fully present in daily life. The aim is to cultivate a sense of inner peace and to live in harmony with the world around you.


For this course to be effective, we recommend attending all six sessions. Creating a strong mindfulness habit will need some regular practice alongside the course too. Daily practice is ideal – even if you can only spare a few minutes each time this will be effective.

If you know ahead of time that you cannot make a session, you can discuss this with your course leader.

You will need access to a laptop or phone with internet access, plus a functioning camera and microphone.


Previous Feedback

The supportiveness of the whole group was lovely, and I was surprised to be able to feel that with an online course. I came away from each session feeling calm and happy

This has been a life-changing experience

I’ve experienced a very real shift in my ability to be present and enjoy simple things



We hope to make this course available to as many people as possible. A wide range of prices are offered – from £30 – £200. Please pay what you are able when booking


Booking and Further Information

For further information and to book, please go to the course webpage.