27 Aug 2024

By Debs Knight

The Earth Carer book group – a book group for our times.

A different book, a new adventure

I have found the book group very nourishing and supportive. Connecting honestly and deeply
with others around the material of the book has been transformational. – Catherine

We enjoyed a lively and nourishing time with our first book, Active Hope by Joanna Macy and
Chris Johnstone. Now, the Earth Carer book group is ready for a new adventure with another
book – this time we’ll be reading: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. With its mix of
‘indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants’, our book promises to be
both fascinating and enriching.

The book group has been so rewarding – Barbara

We’re a small group of practitioners who come together each month to explore issues around
caring for the Earth, climate change, and environmental collapse, within the framework provided
by our book. Because we come together over several sessions, we develop trust and friendship
and in this way support each other in learning how to understand, talk about and transform our
often painful feelings around these issues.

I very much enjoyed being part of this special space – Leo

We can now invite new members to join our group. Meetings will be online, monthly, beginning
on Sunday 29 September, from 4pm-5.30pm, and will include time for meditation practice as
well as sharing and discussion.

If this group interests you, please contact earthcarerbookgroup@gmail.com and we’ll get back
to you with joining details.