This PDF book offers insights from our fellow canine practitioners on the path of mindfulness. Each dog offers their own insight as translated through their human guardian, reminding us of what matters. UK Lay Dharma teachers, ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh of Plum Village, have given each dog their Dharma name, reflecting the essence of their teaching.
Paperback version can be purchased here.
ePub version can be purchased here.
The Being Peace Practice Centre project
Contributor Bio:
An initiative by followers of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to establish a centre for the practice of mindfulness as taught by Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. The BPPC will be a refuge for people of all faiths and none, from all backgrounds and lifestyles. Dharma teachers, senior practitioners and visiting monastics will offer a year-round programme of retreats, events and outreach work. Proceeds from the sale of this book will contribute to fundraising for the centre.
Review quotes:
“A truly wonderful little book, made with joy. Love and gratitude to all its subscribers, offering us many and varied Dharma lessons and opportunities to practise.”
Angie Searle, True Solid Practice
Lay Dharma Teacher
“Doggie Dharma’ is an utterly charming, humorous and moving book. It serves as a reminder that our furry friends are wise, compassionate teachers who show us how to approach each day fully present in the moment, with joy in our hearts.”
Lorna Howarth, author of Sandpaper for the Soul
“The book celebrates the special privilege of sharing a period of your life with a dog. We can learn so much from being with, and paying attention to, non-human animals. Contributors to the book share how the dogs in their life have taught them about being in the present moment, opening their hearts, being happy with what they have, and the inspiration of being playful, joyful, friendly, and trusting. A delightful and heart warming book evoking connection, gratitude and joy.”
Jane Coatesworth, True Flower of Awakening
Lay Dharma Teacher