Monastic Tour 2023 – Week Two: Leeds
How to stay Zen in the heart of the Storm: Finding Calm and Mindfulness in Times of Pressure
On 19th May at the University of Leeds local organisers welcomed a group of four monastics, Sr Presence, Sr Joyful Meditation, Br Resolve, and Br Generosity, for a morning of mindfulness, which included meditation, a short Dharma talk on coming back to the breath to help deal with difficult or stressful situations, Q&A, mindful walking and sharing a meal together mindfully. And lots of songs as always!
The four hours were full of tips on how to bring mindfulness into our everyday lives, with practical examples such as stopping to notice the beautiful trees on St George’s field.
What a joy to have somewhere so green right in the middle of the university!
Here’s a couple of feedback comments from participants –
“The world is very noisy but the peace offered here is very soothing”.
“I’ve never walked so slowly in my life and it made me realise how busy my life is”.