Local Group | Manchester

Heart of Manchester Sangha


The Heart of Manchester Sangha meets in person (not online).  Our newsletter goes out monthly with more details of our meetings below. Please email heartofmanchesterstockportsanghas@outlook.com to go on the list, which does not commit you to attending. We welcome new members.

We hold our our regular Sunday Sangha in a beautiful venue for which we pay rent to use. There is no fixed cost but a contribution from practitioners means we can continue to use the hall. For those who don’t carry cash or would prefer to make an online annual or monthly donation our details are as follows:

The Heart of Manchester Sangha

Account Number: 41469345

Sort Code: 09-01-29 

All contributions are welcome.

Sunday evenings (7.30–9.30 pm.) every Sunday, unless it clashes with a carol service at Christmas. The first hour or so of our practice includes guided meditation, a reading, walking meditation and silent meditation. Then an informal tea break, followed by mindful sharing – practising loving speech and deep listening.

Five Mindfulness Training Meetings on the second Sunday evening of each month (7.30–9.30 pm.), reciting the trainings is woven into the shape of an evening session, as above.

Monthly Saturday Morning Meetings on the second Saturday of the month we hold a session similar in form to the Sunday evenings. (11.30 am.–1.30 pm.)

Days of Mindfulness three times a year, in January, May and September, we share a day in the company of one another, deepening our mindfulness practice through a range of meditations and sharing.  Rough guide of programme is arrive 10.15 am. for 10.30 start, finishing at 4.00 pm. Please bring ready prepared vegetarian lunch to share.  Please contact us at heartofmanchestersangha@gmail.com for more information.

Solstice meetings twice a year, near to the winter and summer solstices we meet for a little longer (4.30–9.30) to enjoy a guided deep relaxation followed by an informal meal before the evening session. Please bring food for yourself and/or to share.

We hold our meetings in the Chorlton Unitarian Church. As the venue may be difficult to find, please find detailed directions in this file.