Local Group | Hastings

Hastings Sangha

Seashore at sunset

Hastings Sangha is not currently active as a separate Sangha as only a small number of practitioners are able to help run it. If enough people would like us to set up local Sangha meet ups and are interested in helping to do so then you would be very warmly welcomed – please do make contact.

In the meantime we practise with Brighton Pebbles Sangha on line every Wednesday evening and in person fortnightly on a Saturday. Lewes also has a Sangha that meets in person every week on a Tuesday.

Plum Village practitioners also attend a weekly non tradition specific (led by a Triratna Practitioner) Beach Meditation held every Sunday morning at 9am on Hastings Beach, meeting up in a local cafe afterwards (or instead on rainy days), finding that this works well as a regular in person meet up.

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