Local Group | Guildford
Peace is the Wey

Peace is the Wey Sangha is based in Guildford, Surrey and is named after the river Wey that flows through the town.
We are small friendly sangha that meet online via Zoom every Thursday at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start (GMT). We practice together for around 90 minutes including a guided meditation, a reading, a tea meditation, sharing from the heart and deep listening (dharma sharing) and a silent meditation. Once a month we also recite the Five Mindfulness Trainings so that our practice can deepen each day.
If you are new to meditation or Plum Village practice, we are happy to give support and guidance.
We welcome everyone from the Guildford area, across Surrey and further afield to join our meetings for regular practice together.
We also hold a quarterly Day of Mindfulness, these sometimes include a mindful and fun creative activity and also walking meditation, guided sitting meditation and a shared lunch.
Sangha members make a small dana contribution each month to cover sangha running costs.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Liz at guildfordsangha@gmail.com
You can also find out more information on our website, peace-is-the-wey-sangha-guildford.co.uk
And our (unmonitored) Facebook page facebook.com/guildfordsangha