Exploring Diamond Sutra at Dharma Training Retreat
‘The Diamond that Cuts through Illusion’ retreat offered a beautiful deep dive into the Diamond Sutra, guided by Dene Donalds, Teri West, Rehena Harilall and Anthony Leete.
With authenticity and insight, they connected the Sutra’s teachings to everyday life, helping us see the interconnected nature of all things and realize that we are not separate, isolated selves. This understanding nourished a shared sense of peace, unity, and joy.
The retreat created a wonderful sense of community and connections, with both old friends reuniting and new friendships made.
A bow of gratitude and love to everyone for making this happen; to the organising team, tech team ( in person and online), dharma teachers and aspirants, facilitators and the wonderful staff at Sidcot School.

photos by: Kirstie Berridge, Ian Sneath and Jan Hempsall