Four Noble Truths – Day of Mindfulness in Oxford
A day of practice led by Dharma Teacher Angie Searle.
6 minute walk from the nearest station on a mainline railway.
A day of practice led by Dharma Teacher Angie Searle.
6 minute walk from the nearest station on a mainline railway.
Monthly practice session focussing on a different topic each time, with special guests and sharing groups
10:00 - 12:00 UK Time
4 week study course, in which we support each other to transform ancestral suffering and take steps on the path to inclusive sanghas where everyone can find a home.
SUNDAYS 17:30 - 19:15 BST FROM 6 OCT
FORTNIGHTLY TUE | 19:00 - 20:00 UK Time
Many people are deeply affected by ongoing violence in Ukraine, The Middle East, and continuous conflicts around the world, which are causing great suffering. How can we support those who are in distress and also take gentle care of our own strong emotions?
Please join Lesley, Theresa and Sangha friends for a guided meditation, a reading, music and Dharma Sharing.
Special online celebratory event to mark the completion of fundraising for the Being Peace Practice Centre. With contributions from Dharma Teachers, monastics and UK sanghas, plus an update from the Centre Team!
Sunday 13 October
18:00 - 21:00 UK Time
An in-depth retreat for those who are familiar with the basic Plum Village practices.
6pm Friday 18 October - 2pm Monday 21 October
THIRD MON | 19:00 - 20:30 UK Time
The Earth Care Sangha is a supportive space for all people to come together to practise mindfulness in the midst of the climate and nature crises.
Experience how Zen practice can transform your life.
Start of a 6-week interactive course, with a two-hour group session at the same time each week.
Mondays 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM BST
An in depth retreat for those who are familiar with basic Plum Village practices exploring the Diamond Sutra ("the perfection of wisdom that cuts like a thunderbolt").
Monthly practice session focussing on a different topic each time, with special guests and sharing groups
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM UK Time
In this new 6-week course we explore together how to bring the 5 Mindfulness Trainings (5MTs) more fully into our lives, using them as practical guidance and spiritual friends on our intended path of living mindfully. For other start dates, please visit our Eventbrite tickets page.
Experience how Zen and mindfulness can transform your life.
Start of a 6-week introductory course, with a two-hour group session at the same time each week.
Experience how mindfulness can transform life's stresses and increase contentment in this weekend mindfulness course, based on the well-loved, and practical teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.
A residential retreat combining mindfulness practice, singing with others, and enjoying ourselves.
Led by UK Dharma Teacher Teri West with Kevin Place (UK Order of Interbeing member).
Numbers are limited to 20 only, so early booking is advised.
Monthly practice session focussing on a different topic each time, with special guests and sharing groups
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM UK Time
Experience how Zen and mindfulness can transform your life.
Start of a 6-week introductory course, with a two-hour group session at the same time each week.
Experience how Zen and mindfulness can transform your life.
Start of a 6-week introductory course, with a two-hour group session at the same time each week.
Monthly practice session focussing on a different topic each time, with special guests and sharing groups
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM UK Time
A 6-week follow on course from Be Calm Be Happy.
Refresh and extend your practice in the Plum Village tradition
‘Being Peace Sangha’ evenings provide a space for practising together, building the Being Peace Sangha and sharing updates and progress on establishing our UK Practice Centre.
Sign up to ‘Here and Now’ to receive the latest Plum Village news, mindfulness inspiration, and information on retreats and courses.