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Together in Joy! The Being Peace Project crosses the finish line

Special online celebratory event to mark the completion of fundraising for the Being Peace Practice Centre. With contributions from Dharma Teachers, monastics and UK sanghas, plus an update from the Centre Team!

Sunday 13 October
18:00 – 21:00 UK Time

key info

13 Oct 2024 - 13 Oct 2024


Join the Being Peace team as we celebrate crossing the finish line of our public fundraising campaign to found a Plum Village Centre in the UK.

We will come together in mindfulness, gratitude, togetherness and joy, offering a glimpse of what the Being Peace Centre can bring to our Sangha.


Plum Village Monastics
Kaira Jewel Lingo
Larry and Peggy Ward
Christiana Figueres (Live!)


You! – we will invite attendees throughout the evening to share from the heart poems, songs, art and other expressions of joy,  so that we can enjoy feeling ourselves as one sangha river together..

Further details of our developing schedule will be on the Being Peace website soon or you can check back here.

How to attend

Register on Zoom to receive a joining link.
