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Mindful Morning: Work as Practice – Practice as Work

A panel of four practitioners from our community share their adventures in exploring work as practice and practice as work.

Every first Sunday of the month, Plum Village UK offers a Morning of Mindfulness led by UK Lay Dharma Teachers, Members of the Order of Interbeing, Monastic Dharma Teachers and special guests.

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4 Aug 2024


Photo by Farrel Nobel on Unsplash

10:00 – 12:00 UK Time

How do we bring our practice into the very heart of our work? How do we engage with projects, deadlines, and sometimes busyness and overload, while keeping our practice steady, finding joy in our work, and without sacrificing our peace of mind?

And in our current community endeavour, how are we practising Being Peace now, while working for a Being Peace Centre in the future?

It will be lovely if you can join us.

Ethan Pollock

Ethan Pollock

Ethan has been facilitating mindfulness groups and retreats since his early twenties. He was one of the founding members of Wake Up London, and has spent five years training at Plum Village. He currently offers retreats and classes on mindfulness and Buddhism at The Barn and with local groups around the UK.

Lizhuo Zhang

Lizhuo Zhang

Lizhuo is originally from Asia and has been living in Europe for more than 20 years. She first went to Plum Village in 2014 and as soon as she arrived there, knew it was her true home. She has been practising with Wake Up London for 10 years and her Dharma name is Peaceful Journey of the Heart.

Jan Hempsall

Jan Hempsall

Jan Hempsall has been working with our Treasurer Jonathan Edwards as a volunteer for a number of years, to digitise, decipher and generally tidy up the numerous accounts relating to the diverse activities undertaken by our charity, the UK Community of InterBeing. She practises with Nottingham Deep Roots Sangha.

Katie Sheen

Katie Sheen

Katie has been teaching nutrition since 2009 and mindfulness since 2011, joining the Plum Village UK Course Leaders team when the ‘Be Calm, Be Happy’ course launched in 2016. She became a Breathworks accredited teacher in 2021 (specialising in mindfulness for health) and is currently writing a new ’Team Mindfulness’ course with Dr.Jutta Tobias Mortlock at City, University of London. Katie is grateful to be walking the Aspirant path, and practices with Sangha in the Peak, White Horse Sangha and Roses Family Sangha, whilst also offering tech support for the Being Peace Sangha.




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