Wednesday 1 Jan 2025 | 10:00 – 12:00 UK Time
Our Mindful Morning in January will, as has become popular, fall on New Year’s Day, Wednesday 1st of January.
Led by Ana Agorreta and Gideon Thomas
The morning will include a guided meditation, followed by an extract from the New Year’s Dharma talk 2024 given by Sister Annabel. After a short break, there will be an opportunity to share our aspirations for our practice, our community and/or our world for the year ahead.
Gideon and Ana have generously offered to host the morning, while Teri is supporting the London Sanghas New Year Retreat.
In February we will revert to our normal time, with our next Mindful Morning being on Sunday 2 Feb 2025

Gideon Thomas
Gideon Thomas (Joyful Healing Of The Source) has been practicing for the past two years and is an active member of the White Clouds Sangha in Bristol, as well as providing admin and organizational help for Mindful Mornings. Taking inspiration from a wide range of Buddhist and Daoist teachings, he especially enjoys being supported and held by the sangha. His aspirations are to give back to the sangha that which it provides for him – love, care and a space to just ‘be’.