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Mindful Morning: Authenticity – The Heartful Path of Courage & Compassion

Monthly practice session focussing on a different topic each time, with special guests and sharing groups

10:00 – 12:00 UK Time

key info

6 Oct 2024


Encouragement towards a deeper sense of self-honesty and discovery. Encouragement to find your practice in every moment of everyday life.

We welcome Dharma Teacher Ava Avalos, facilitator of the first Sangha in our tradition in Africa, who will give a talk speaking live from Botswana.

For the first part of the morning, Ava will offer a deep relaxation and Dharma talk, followed by time for questions. After a short break at around 11am, we shall resume for Dharma sharing in small groups.

Ava Avalos

Chan Hanh Bi – Ava Avalos 

Ava was ordained as a dharma teacher in 2018, after 20 years of study and  practice in the tradition of our Beloved Teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh.  Now she facilities Tshedisa Sangha in Botswana – The first African Sangha established in our tradition.

A Latina originally from California, for the last 23 years she has worked as an HIV specialist physician and activist in Africa. In addition to direct clinical care, she focuses medical research on optimizing anti-retroviral treatment for HIV/AIDS patients, preventing the development of HIV drug resistance and improving implementation of public health programs.

She directs her own medical center and serves as an HIV Technical Advisor to the Botswana Ministry of Health, a Research Associate with the Botswana-Harvard Health Institute, and the National Lead of the HIV Advanced Care Initiative.

Most importantly, she does her best to keep up with her two high spirited pups, paints, teaches yoga and dances – as often as possible.


Photo by Maria Baltazzi on Unsplash

How to attend

Register for a Zoom link that you can reuse for all of our Monthly Mindful Mornings.
